Friday, December 1, 2017

What we think about the new inme: Period Tracker, Pregnancy and Ovulation App

fertility tracker

Women should be aware and knowledgeable enough about their menstrual cycle, the ovulation stage, the fertile days, infertile days and so on which primarily concerns the female reproductive system. Now, an iOS app Period Tracker makes it easier for us, women to finally do it. No more the days of complicated calendar system which we sometimes forget as we have other things to worry about. This app gives an end to those times when we are so clueless as to what day is it for us---safe day or not?

This iOS app is a blessing to all of the women out there who wishes to look over to their menstrual cycle in a more intensive manner. The app is very informative as it shows the days when you should expect your next menstrual flow which will arrive. It as well tells which days might get you pregnant which is very favorable for those who have plans to conceive, and which days are safe for those who don't want yet to get pregnant. The app is also available in many different languages to suit your needs and for better understanding. Women which have regular periods, having twenty-six to thirty-two days menstrual cycle are the perfect fit for this type of app. However, women with irregular cycles may as well use this app. You may use the default option given. Then the app will automatically digest the data you've inputted to provide you with the information needed. The downside, however, is that the use of this app solely for the purpose of getting pregnant without the help and medical assistance of experts may not be guaranteed. Thus, for those who wanted results, better visit your doctor first and a guide with this app may not hurt. On the other hand, this app is very useful for people to monitor and track their menstrual cycle, to get to know their body, especially women with a regular menstrual cycle, their ovulation stage and more things about it.

It is much better for us women to really know our body. Thus, having this app around can be a very good news for us. It is a very useful tool to guide us and help us as we monitor our cycle especially for beginners out there who have little to no idea about the process. Although the app is not perfect, we should always be open-minded about its limitations and of course, the errors we might be to blame if we happen to encounter some problems while using this app. There were cases wherein people who want to conceive and use this app for the said purpose but got unfortunate miscarriage instead. There may be other factors as to why miscarriages happen and it may not be the app which is to be blamed. As for me, personally, I love the app for it suits me and it fits my needs. I get the necessary information I needed and wanted in the first place. The themes available which I loved so much and which I personally enjoy to browse in as I look forward to my next menstrual flow and get prepared ahead of time for I usually get bad crams whenever I have my menstrual flow is a must. Thus, it is indeed a very great help for me.

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