We have already known that there are some people who are
susceptible to stretch marks. Stretch marks can possibly develop during a stage
in human's life since we are not born with it. It looks like stripes on your
skin that can appear on your stomach, hips or arms. Though there are some
treatments that can make them disappear, preventing to have one is better than
shouldering all the expenses that may cost that comes with the treatment and we
have some ways you can apply to prevent having stretch marks.
Ways To Prevent Stretch Marks
Ways To Prevent Stretch Marks
We have gathered list that can help you prevent having stretch
marks. Check them out below:
1. Control Your Weight
One of the main causes of sketch marks is when you change weight
especially during adolescence period where a skin could pull apart due to an
increase in weight. If you want to reduce weight, then eat healthily and get
intense exercise to burn fat and do not seek the solution to some steroids that
get the high potentials to have stretch marks.
2. Drink More Water
People who do not get enough water in the body were more likely to
have stretch marks because the skin will be dehydrated. If you keep eating
salty foods or drink coffee then you should also drink more water to balance
the fluid in your body.
3. Eat Nutritious Foods
It is important for you to know that stretch marks are the result
of insufficient nutrients that can supply the skin organ. To have a healthy
glowing skin, you should eat foods that are enriched with Vitamin E, A, D, C,
Zinc, and protein. Fruits and vegetables are a good source of Vitamin C which
gives collagen. This will not only prevent stretch marks, it can also reduce
premature wrinkles while the easiest and most inexpensive way to get Vitamin D
is by exposing to the sun. Just make sure you are not burning your skin too.
4. Treating The Stretch Mark Fast
If you have noticed that your skin has recently developed stretch
mark then you need to act quickly and see the dermatologist to prevent it from
getting worse. There are many solutions and treatment that could range from
cream to laser that can completely erase it before it gets worse.
5. Exercise
With proper diet and exercise, you are sure that you will not gain
or lose weights that could also sag or tighten your skin. Though pregnancy is
one cause of stretch marks, there are women who have them just because they
lose or gain weight fast without exercise. Exercise will tone your muscle
leaving it leaner and preventing the appearance of stretch marks.
It is for your best interest to watch out for these things to
prevent getting stretch marks as there is no magical products to remove them
fast beside you will also save yourself from spending money on the treatments
that promised results when some of them could just make you feel disappointed
with the results. Taking care of your own body is one’s responsibility and skin
is the largest composition so whatever you eat and put on it will eventually
show on your skin’s textures.
Related Article:
7 Essential Oils That Reduces Stretch Marks
Related Article:
7 Essential Oils That Reduces Stretch Marks